As promised, To the right is the list of notable books and/or authors which was compiled at the first meeting of The Barga Book Club. I scribbled titles and authors and could not find one or two in my searches, for instance, the title Savage Garden only brought up an Australian Pop Duo, and I don’t think that was what we were looking for, so if anyone has any information to add please do, (added). In addition, the last title I jotted down was The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith, the film based on this psychological thriller was filmed at Il Castello Aragonese, on Ischia, pictured above last week. Which leads me to the thought that I’ve missed seeing many films in English, anyone interested in starting a Barga Film Club?
Cheers and see you on Tuesday, May 5th, Kerry (and Julie)
Some of these may be available in the barganews Book Exchange.
Thanks for the list, Kerry. There are some good titles here. The photograph of Il Castello Aragonese on Ischia is beautiful!!!
Great idea about the film club. I'm a bit of a film buff myself and have a large collection of DVDs so I would be pleased to turn up. Just need a venue. Mmmm, let me think about it.
Thanks Julie!
The elusive book title is
"The Savage Garden" by Mark Mills.
Mixed reviews for this one ranging from "A wonderful read" to "Bring me my shovel - the book should be buried in the garden"!!!
Very interesting Julie, that kind of review makes you want to read it to see what all the hubbub is about! Thanks for looking into it!
Hello All!
Sounds like you are all going to have a great time. Sorry I am not there. Please let me know if I can help in any way.. like sending over a package of books from the United States of Amazon...
talk soon..
Thanks Jess! We wish you could be here too.
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