A numerous group of members of The Book Club were graciously welcomed on a lovely May evening into the warm spacious home in the countryside to discuss Bel Canto by Ann Pachette.
The book was variously described as historical fiction, based on The Lima Crisis, which evoked scenes of the history of the ruthless women of The Shining Path, (Kerry), the Stockholm Syndrome (Cynthia) or just a lovely old fashioned love story (Janet). Reviews were mixed but we all took something away from the reading even if it was an almost immediate passionate rejection! (Liz).
Among the books we're reading, was recommended Three Dog Life by Abigail Thomas
Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed. The food and hosting, as always, were superb.
The next meetings are as follows:
June 17th, At Pietro and Marijke's, White Masai, Corinne Hofmann
July 22nd, at Fabiana's, The Lowland, Jhumpa Lahiri
September, On Writing, by Stephen King
October, Miss Garnet's Angel, Sally Vickers