A dedicated group of 12 Barga Book Club members met last night at La Pergola for pizza and a lively discussion of Of Love and other Demons by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
The book club members discussed a variety of topics with regard to the historical, philosophical and ethical concerns raised in the story which falls into the category of Magical Realism in literature.
The story is the current day recounting of a legend set in colonial Latin America perhaps during the 18th century. The principal characters include a young girl, bitten by a rabid dog and its controversial consequences, her parents, a priest, a bishop and a doctor.
The historical setting referenced “American” titled aristocracy which comically had some of us, including myself, conjuring images of State siders which we had to dispel by remembering that all from both the north and south American continents are considered by some as “Americans.”
One of the first issues raised concerned the idea that this was a story of the pursuit of a 12 year old girl by a Priest and we were reminded, and rightly so, that Juliet was portrayed at 12 years old as well, and that even in today’s world in certain cultures this is acceptable.
Aided in large part with background information offered by Barga Book Club member Elizabeth Marseglia, the discussion then turned to the portrayal of the Doctor as a representation of a Spinoza type character for his ethnic origin, religion, and as a philosophical advocate of reason vs. religion, superstition, authority and materialism. In other words, a controversial spokesperson for conflicting ideas. The concept of censorship, the control of knowledge and limits of freedom led to a brief reference regarding Silvio Berlusconi’s current control of the media.
The book raised questions with regard to faith vis a vis superstition which were relative to contemporary Italy.
The consensus was that the book was an enlightening, if not enlightened, reading experience and that it would merit deeper study with regard to symbolism, historical and religious references.
The book we will discuss at the meeting to be held Tuesday, 2nd June, as previously decided, will be The Inheritance of Loss, by Kiran Desai.
The book chosen to discuss at the meeting of Tuesday, 7th July, will be The Other Side of You, by Salley Vickers.
Thanks very much to everyone who participated and we look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.